What's next?

AutoDomme Functionality

Enable AutoDomme to verify chastity and sissy status, issue tasks to submissives, reward Strava activities, maintain a list of timewasters on Twitter, and recognize successful training completions.

User Profiles & Public Recognition

Allow users to make their AutoDomme profile public, recognize various completion grades, and acknowledge session completions via Pavlok. Dommes can view and share deepthroat training results.

Punishment Features

Implement cornertime style punishments and writing lines punishment within AutoDomme.

Subscription and Reward Systems

Enhance functionalities for Patreon subscribers and issue tasks based on user profiles, including providing a recommended shopping list.

Notifications and Reminders

Add notifications for overdue tasks, reminders that increase intensity with Pavlok zaps, and alert users through Bluesky.

Integration and Connectivity

Integrate AutoDomme into platforms such as Chaturbate for real-time feedback, and provide simple integrations with Bluesky and Microsoft Personal Accounts.

Content and Updates Management

Generate monthly release notes for members, create an RSS feed for updates, and include useful information links as well as updates on activities.